We are Committed to imparting Quality Education Montessori educational society was established in the year 1995 by a team of Keralities headed by Dr. James Morley at Tenali. The Society was registered in the year 1996 with Dr. James Morley as the President and Principal and Mr. José Sebastian as the Secretary and Correspondent . In the early nineties, it was observed by Dr.James Morley that even the student of English Medium schools lacked fluency in English and good discipline , as a result Dr. James Morley along with Mr. Jose Sebastian and their team ventured to establish Montessori English Medium School at Tenali in 1995 . The motto of the organistaion is to mould a towering generation of youth who would work with the noble thought ‘What I can do for India.’ The teaching methodology implemented in this school is child-oriented, the discipline implanted is nation-oriented and the morality imparted is God-oriented. With a view of providing good and affordable English medium education in villages, its branches were opened at Duggirala in 2003. Thousands of students in A.P. have been benefited through these institutes of learning.

» Emblem and Motto

Mother bird feeding its offspring is the registered emblem of the school. It speaks a lot about the motherly love and care given to the children at the school..

The children, who are lightened here with true knowledge, spread out and enlighten the world they would live in, later in life.

The motto of the school is to make a towering generation in which the individuals would work with the noble thought, "what I can do for India"